The system operates in a fail-safe mode since the microprocessor is controlling the EXPOSE signal and in addition pulsing a second signal at a400Hz rate. 此时系统工作在安全模式,因为微处理器控制着曝光信号的产生并且还发出一个400Hz的脉冲信号。
DTMF is a reliable and mature technology. Because it can provide the higher dialing speed, it has rapidly replaced the dial pulsing signal which the traditional dial telephone used. DTMF是一种可靠而成熟的通信技术,由于它可以提供更高的拨号速率,迅速取代了传统转盘式电话机使用的拨号脉冲信号。
The common fault of rolling bearing is wear which is featured with no pulsing signal. 滚动轴承最常见的故障是磨损,磨损类故障的最大特点是无明显的冲击脉冲信号。